
Recent Activity


Personal Info

Age : 47 - 26 Jun 1976
Gender : M
Location : Denmark
Social :

Racing Summary

Registered : 5 Sep 2017, 14:42:53

Nb. Events :0
Avg. Event Start :0.00 /0.00
Avg. Event Finish :0.00 /0.00
Avg. Series Rank :0.00 /0.00
Nb. Challenges :0
Challenges Pts :0 Total
Nb. Hotlaps :0

> Career History & Stats


In short I'm married and have a 4year old son. YES im a old fcuk from 1976 I live in Denmark and work the evening/night shift, so joining in races can be hard.. (but I see you have some sunday-race going on, so maybe that's my ticket to try a bit og noobis race with real people!) Again I only have little to none xp in racing, but always loved racing games (mostly arcade) Now that I have a wheel, I want to try out more sim-racing games, and damn it's hard but fun!!! :P My new and first wheel.. ClubSport

Sim Nicknames

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