Juan Canadas

Recent Activity


Personal Info

Age : 45 - 08 Mar 1979
Gender : M
Location : Namnå Norway
Social :

Racing Summary

Registered : 10 Aug 2024, 14:30:14

Nb. Events :2
Avg. Event Start :23.00 /26.00
Avg. Event Finish :21.00 /26.00
Avg. Series Rank :0.00 /0.00
Nb. Challenges :0
Challenges Pts :0 Total
Nb. Hotlaps :3

> Career History & Stats


My name is Juan, I'm 45 years old and i born in Germany but from Spanish parents. I'm new to SimRacing. I prefer to drive rFactor 2 & Le Mans Ultimate and occasionally other Automobilista 2 or Assetto Corsa. I've tried almost all of the simulators. But as I already mentioned, for me nothing comes close to rFactor 2 & Le Mans Ultimate.

Catch Phrase

Juan Canadas

Sim Nicknames

Juan Canadas
Not set !
Not set !
Juan Cañadas
Not set !
Not set !

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